Reverend AliceAnn Melchizedek


Reverend AliceAnn


"My gift is to assist those who are ready for spiritual advancement on their individual path to enlightenment. We are all Divine, and as we grow in the Light of God we become even more ready to shift to the higher planes of consciousness."

AliceAnn As Channel & Melchizedek

Reverend AliceAnn was approached late in life by the Ascended Master-Teachers of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Shambala, who took her into discipleship. They trained AliceAnn to be a clear voice channel and teacher to the ascended path under the direction of the Great White Brotherhood of Light and the Order of Melchizedek. As an excellent model and teacher of Higher Consciousness, her role now is to assist others to find their own inward path to Love, Spirituality, and Enlightenment.

AliceAnn is a clear voice channel for the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy known as Shamballa; and thus, she is under the radiance of her Master Teachers and is guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Planet Earth. She is dedicated to being a Keeper to the 12 Planetary Rays, an Ambassador and channel to the Realms of Light, a clear voice channel, and a bridge of Light to those in darkness, confusion and doubt. She has established, over her many years of Service, a Community of Light in Northern California Bay Area, an ashram of Light in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has traveled overseas doing ?Ascend in Love? workshops in Europe, Hawaii, The Bahamas, Canada, and previously in Sydney, Melbourne, and the Mornington Peninsula in Australia to assist people to ground the Christed energies and encodings of Light that are now filtering into our beloved planet. For AliceAnn, it is a joy and privilege to serve the Ascended Master-Teacherss, as she assists Lightworkers world-wide to find their own true path to liberation and service, the next step in humanity's evolutionary consciousness.

The OakRose Academy of Light

Rev. AliceAnn founded the OakRose Academy of Light in 2007 and relocated the organization to New Mexico in 2012, achieving a 501(3)(C) (non-profit) status for the OakRose Academy as a spiritual/educational Mystery School in 2014. Through her gift as a clear voice channel, the many students and disciples of the Masters receive weekly sessions from the Ascended Teachers, and a Satsangha has evolved around this loving community of Light.


Gifts To Us From Her Earlier Years

Reverend AliceAnn has worked in the health care and healing professions for over 40 years. She has been a counselor for teens and dysfunctional families, a mental-health technician in three mental hospitals, a psychotherapist in a professional practice as well as an advanced intuitive past-life therapist. A spiritual life coach, a respite care giver and bereavement counselor in two hospice communities, an advocate working to change unfair legislation and improve the lives of people with disabilities and an ordained priest with a ministry that brings comfort, clarity and higher consciousness teachings to all people.


AliceAnn's Message

I came to my life as an ordained Priest and High Priestess to the Order of Melchizedek because of my life-long interest in spirituality and conscious awareness. Even as a child I was drawn to the various aspects of the Divine and the variety of alternative states of awareness.

After ten years of Zen monastic life in my early twenty's , I came to realize that no matter what one was, the most important result in life is total acceptance of who and what you are.

In midlife I studied everything from Celtic spirituality to Taoism to Christian mysticism to great philosophical masters of the past, and found great joy in reading and writing about transformative experiences.

In my professional life in Transpersonal psychology and related spiritual approaches, I always sought to enhance an individual's goals by bringing to their attention the possibilities and richness of learning to live from one's inner awareness. Once we know who we are and what we want from the inside, it becomes increasingly easy to manifest that dream or goal on the outside.

When I was ordained as a Priest of God I realized how important one-on-one spiritual contact was for all peoples, and I quickly came to realize that a blind woman who was also a priest had tremendous ability to assist people with their deepest human concerns.

Now, as I settle into the core purpose of my life, I find that my Service to the Ascended Masters and Realms of Light have taught me the deep appreciation of all of God's Universes and each and every lifestream therein.
As a Melchizedek High Priestess I have found great comfort in mentoring individuals to their Highest Potential and Spiritual Awareness.

As a clear voice channel for the Realms of Light and the Ascended Master Teachers, I have witnessed great excitement in students rising to their spiritual pinnacle, a True gift from the Universe that they each discover through their own acumen and guidance from the Master-Teachers.

As I do facilitation work with my Husband Hilary, I find deep joy in bringing the Teachings of the Masters and the insights of evolutionary consciousness into the world. For it is time and past time that we as a human collective find the paths that lead to ever-lasting Love, Joy, and Peace. This is the aim of my Service work as a Melchizedek and my sincere wish for each of you.


AliceAnn's Spiritual Journey

AliceAnn lived for ten years in a Zen monastic community in Northern California, engaged in interfaith ministry in successive Buddhist Christian conferences, attended, the Maitreya Loving Kindness graduate program of Niropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado, co-facilitated two United Nations "Minute of Silence, Moment of Sound" vigils at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, studied the mystical traditions of the world under various notable spiritual teachers, such as Thich Nhat Hahn, Brother David Steindl-Rast, Father Davis Keating OSB, Mr Tessa Belecci DOC, Zentatsu-roshi, Atkin-roshi, Dr Bernie Siegel MD, and Dr Arthur Giacalone PhD. She completed her doctorate in Past-Life Recall, demonstrating the effectiveness of past-life memory as an enhancement to a person's spiritual development. All these events in her life have led her to the threshold of Service that the Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy have called her to.

Past-Life Releasement

Throughout her life, AliceAnn was drawn to many teachers on the earthplane who gave her bits and pieces of the higher knowledge, but no one had yet released her to her true self nature. It was in September, just around Michaelmas, that she took a workshop with Hanz TanDam who was visiting the US from Denmark. It was this gifted regression therapist's deep releasement of a 1,000 year old karmic attachment, stemming from a time warp through Maldeck, that finally freed AliceAnn from the earthly entrapment which prevented the manifestation of her full spiritual gifts. In fact, there was an Angel worker there, a seer herself with an Indigo child, who saw the Angel standing near AliceAnn as she was freed from bondage, and it was astounding-the Angel was jumping up and down and clapping his hands as he stood smiling just behind AliceAnn's chair.

In 1999 AliceAnn had undergone an Angel attunement while on an airplane, returning from a past life conference with Henry Leo Bolduc, part of the Edgar Cayce legacy of teachers, and that was her first realized opening to the Angelic realms, but this 2002 releasement really opened her psychic flow and she is now regularly visited by incredibly beautiful and penetrating Angelic forces, in color and in intensity. For five years she received healing, teaching, and upliftment from these Divine Beings from God. She learned to work directly with the Archangels and nightly asked for an increase of her vibratory rate.

AliceAnn was ordained as a Priest of God on Michaelmas in 2007 by a small Esoteric Order from the ancient lineage of Saint Paul and the Bishop of Antioch. Immediately following this, she entered into a lifetime relationship with the Ascended Masters and Brotherhood of Light.

Meeting Her Master Guide & Beloved Teachers

Quietly in deep meditation one Spring night in 2008 her principle Teacher came to her, speaking clearly through her, as AliceAnn found herself speaking aloud to an empty room. At first she thought the experience to be other than of the Light so she quite literally ordered the Being away. But her Teacher persisted, returning a few days later, speaking through her voice in clear distinct words, "I am Hilarion, I still wish to speak with you".

Days later, after a reading with a trusted experienced channel, whose overlighting Master verified her inner plane experience, AliceAnn discovered that her Teacher, Master Hilarion, Chohan of the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge, was now contacting her directly and would accept her into discipleship. Following this there were many other Teachers (Ascended Masters) lining up to measure whether their energies were compatible with hers, and in the end AliceAnn became a clear-voice channel for three principle Ascended Ray Masters (Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, & Hilarion); and thus formally entered into discipleship with these Great Ray Masters.

By 2016 she was invited to discipleship by two additional Ray-Master Teachers and is frequently overlighted by four out of seven Archangels of the First Seven Rays of God; the Realms of Light, and the Divine Mother also known as Shekinah or The Holy Spirit. Many other Masters frequently overlight her during specific ceremonies, Councils of Light and Sacred gatherings. Reverend AliceAnn is one of the few clear voice channels in the world that can actually bring forth the immediate words of the Masters and Realms of Light in an interactive dialog with people. It is her steadfastness and commitment to God in humble service that allows this gift to manifest in clarity and love.

Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey



Gifts From Her Past Incarnations

AliceAnn has vivid impressions of her life on Lemuria and has flashes of her work with the Master-Healer Hilarion in the Golden Age of Atlantis and strong memories of her discipleship with Master-Teacher Serapis Bey at Lake Mareotis near Egypt. Her lifestreams show a pattern of warrior/priest, victim/persecutor, male/female incarnations that have melded her spirit into a vital force of Love and Service to God in life. This lifetime has brought all of these forces together for her, making her a powerful bridge to the Realms of Light for others and an intuitive, compassionate healer, teacher, priest and channel.

The Move to Santa Fe

In June of 2012, while living in a small apartment in Los Altos, California, AliceAnn was visited by Archangel Gabriel, who told her that the first part of her earthly mission was now complete, that she was to relocate to Santa Fe New Mexico, and that she was now to embrace the second part of her Earthly Mission. Of course, this overwhelming visit from the Higher Realms caused AliceAnn a bit of momentary consternation.  As she respectfully asked the Archangel if she could sit down, she noticed that her entire living room had gone gold; miraculously it stayed that way for twenty minutes while AliceAnn pondered all the possible implications of what the Archangel had just imparted.

After some very deep soul reflection, AliceAnn accepted the Father's decree from Heaven. She was then told that the move shall be completed by the beginning of August of that same year and that she would receive assistance, but she was to remain silent about this news for three days. Within those three days, doors started opening, people came forward to offer their assistance, financially and otherwise. AliceAnn soon found herself packed up and headed for New Mexico, arriving on August 9th, just in time for the Venus Convergence, (August 11-16, 2012), which the Ascended Masters had her take part in as a clear channel for the Spiritual Hierarchy and Realms of Heaven. During this Conversion gateway, the Masters and High Holy Ones had opened the first of many powerful Portal Vortexes that would augment the Stargates of 2012 through 2015.

As she established the OakRose Academy in 2012 more and more students flocked to her home in Northern Santa Fe. From this point on the Master Serapis Bey sent AliceAnn and a beloved companion, Alice Lee, to many locations to anchor the Light within vortexes around the world. She also gave many Ascend in Love Workshops in the US and abroad. In 2015 one of her most dedicated students and disciple of two Masters, Hilary Taylor, came to America from Australia a third time; this time they came together in Holy Wedlock, married by another ordained priest in the OakRose Community. In 2016 her Master-Teachers located the OakRose retreat center for the Academy in a lovely area just South of the city of Santa Fe, where she focused on doing readings, healings, intensives, training institutes and Academy courses as well as online events for the Ascended Teachers. Now in 2018 the High Lords of Heaven are once again redirecting AliceAnn and Hilary to continue their Evolutionary Leadership in Hilary?s homeland, Australia. AliceAnn has been told that her Service work in Santa Fe and in the U.S. has come to a close, and she and her husband are to relocate to Australia to bring the gifts of Light and Transformation that they as a Divine couple have now received. And it is with great Love and Humility that they shift to Melbourne to continue to build a world community of Light as a Bridge to the Higher Realms of Heaven for all peoples, for all nations, for all those who serve the Light!



AliceAnn's Testimonials

AliceAnn As Channel 2017
I was invited to experience clear voice channeling with Rev. AliceAnn in 2013.  I discovered that there is an ancient, credible way for One of the Earth to be in communication with spiritual teachers and guides from above.  I learned that channeling for the Ascended Masters is a spiritual gift that is only offered to those who have the dedication, devotion, and discipline that it requires.  Rev. AliceAnn has spent years of her life in session so that the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and High Holy Ones may communicate knowledge and wisdom as The Father Wills it to be brought forward for the spiritual evolution of life upon the Earth.  Through her generous spirit and commitment to the process of channeling, countless students and visitors to the Oak Rose Academy of Light have studied, received healing, grown in wisdom, and have received clarity of purpose because of Rev. AliceAnn’s dedicated practice of the gift of channeling.  The process of channeling continues to bring forth the beauty and intricacy of our Universe.  The Father has created a network of care for all of us upon the Earth.  The fruits of Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek’s work as a High Priestess of the Order to Melchizedek, and as a clear voice channel, have changed, and will continue to change many lives; including my own. I am a Disciple of the Ascended Master Hilarion. With gratitude.
MJW / Santa Fe, NM

My Life with OakRose Community 2017
My introduction to OakRose Academy of Light occurred in January 2016, after a “chance” interaction with a member of the OakRose community.  I was invited to a public teleconference, where I first encountered Ascended Master Serapis Bey, channeled through AliceAnn. I went to this gathering more with a question in my heart than in my mind, yet Master Serapis picked up on the deeper question right away. During the few years before, I had opened myself up to my next steps, as my previous path was no longer meeting my spiritual yearning to press ever higher in consciousness.  I became quickly involved with meditations, gatherings and classes in the OakRose ashram, and it wasn’t too long after, that I became a disciple of Master Serapis and later on also of Master Hilarion.  During the last year and a half my involvement with the OakRose Community has brought forth more spiritual gifts than I can count.   The new understandings and knowledge coming from the high teachings of the Ascended Masters and from the Realms of Light have illumined many of my life experiences, helping me see the perfect timing and Divine synchronicity and purpose in it all.  My love and gratitude for our Ascended Masters Serapis Bey and Hilarion as well as for our beloved channel, Rev. AliceAnn Melchizedek is boundless.  The experience of being a member of such a spiritual community dedicated to becoming an Instrument of Peace and Love for Mother Father God brings deep support and joy into my life, and all our lives, something that I could not have imagined was possible until now. – SWM / Santa Fe, NM

Encountering the Ascended Masters 2014-2017
Visiting and studying with Alice Ann and the Ascended Masters in Kauai in 2014 was an amazing and life changing experience. The amount of love, light, and high vibration energy was incredibly uplifting and activating on so many levels. The teachings were filled with practical information and practices that I could actively use each day to further excite my learning and evolution. As I continue to evolve, feeling so supported by the masters, I feel my vibration accelerate, and different aspects of my life coming into greater and greater alignment with my divine purpose here and now.  In a very short time my life began shifting as my vibration expanded and anything of a lower vibration began falling away from my life. The one-on-one sessions I had were unbelievable.  I gained so much clarity and understanding of my path and all the events in my life.  The practices I learned have enabled me to activate and balance the energy centers of my body and create a constant flow of high vibration divine energy.  I have come to know myself at an incredibly deep level and am moving confidently in the direction of my highest destiny.  I am so grateful to Alice Ann, to all of the Ascended Masters, and to the entire Oak Rose community for all of the love, support, and encouragement in growing into a fully aware and conscious human being.  I absolutely recommend being a part of any of their upcoming events to anybody who is actively seeking a deep inner truth and knowing of their divine nature and purpose here on earth.  – BAT / Kauai, HI

Kauai Ascend in Love Workshop 2014
I came across an Oak Rose Academy Ascend in Love workshop flyer when holidaying in Kauai, Hawaii this year. Attending the workshop has given me a whole new way of living. With the guidance of Rev. AliceAnn and the Academy, I have been blessed to experience a profound transformation in my life. I feel like I have finally come Home to Me!! The vast spiritual avenues of searching are now over! I cannot tell you what a relief this is. Part of me always dreamed that it might have been possible... now I know it is! And it has been easier to achieve than I expected. Now back home in New Zealand, a deep sense of peace fills me everyday, within my corporate world of work and my personal relationships. Even challenges now come and go with ease. I have settled into the path of fulfilling my life's destiny and the possibilities ARE now endless!! 
RW / Auckland, New Zealand

Student of the Ascended Masters 2013
Becoming a student of the Ascended Masters has taken me from a life of unfulfillment and feeling that I was off-course, to a life of love, dedication, devotion and inner peace.  Although I have been a seeker and studied multiple theologies for many years, being a student of the Ascended Masters has empowered me to integrate these Teachings into my life.  Through the channeling of AliceAnn, which is an invaluable gift to all who seek the wisdom teachings of the Ascended Masters, I have come into a deeper understanding of who I am and my life’s purpose.  AliceAnn and the Ascended Masters have made a significant difference in my life bringing me to clarity of mind and centering me in purity of heart which has helped me to raise my consciousness awareness and thereby allows me to fulfill my life’s passion of guiding others to their truth and highest potential.  Most importantly, working with the Ascended Masters has strengthened my connection with the Divine and this is the greatest gift of all. SMR / Huntington, NY

Awakening to my Spiritual Life 2012
At Sedona in 2012, I was invited to attend an informal session where AliceAnn would be channeling the Ascended Masters. That session provided the catalyst that positively altered all the areas of my life - physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. I am now a practicing Rainbow Healer and accepted disciple to both Master Hilarion & Master Serapis Bey. A huge factor in my spiritual progress has been my connection with the Spiritual Hierarchy of Shamballa. Be assured that the Ascended Masters will only ever give you advice that is loving, relevant to your spiritual journey, and for your highest good. – RT / Melbourne, Australia

Student of the Ascended Masters 2012
All my life I have searched for a  greater  meaning, a stronger connection with God. I traveled many paths on my search. I was lead by Spirit to come out west, moving  from the east coast in the 90’s and I knew once I settled everything would be fine. My search continued; it seemed I never found exactly what I was looking for but never stopped seeking, knowing I would eventually find what it was. Finally, I was lead to a class called “Conversations in Light” where I connected with the Ascended Masters. I immediately found out what an intensive was and created that opportunity for myself. That is what I had been searching for! And, it opened me to who I AM in that intensive with Rev. AliceAnn, as she channeled Master Serapis, Master Hilarion & Sanat Kumara. My life has never been the same. That is what I had searched and longed for. Before that I thought I was happy and joyful every day of my life but never really knew what that meant. I have been taking weekly classes with Master Serapis Bey ever since, and now have  that love that guidance that connection I was longing for. It was right within me all the time and I had sought for it outside of myself, yet I knew from childhood the Kingdom of God was Within.  Through the guidance from the Ascended masters and my Higher Self, and my own intension  and desire I have now become a Minister of Light. Through my long-standing work with seniors, I have chosen to assist  the Senior Community to discover their Higher Light, their own God-Self within. Of course, my search and longing will never be over until I am back home and one with Mother-Father God, but I now recognize that life is truly wonderful, knowing I am where I belong, doing what I am called to do in service to humanity in complete surrender to Mother-Father God. A.LL. L. /Thousand Oaks CA

Five-Day Intensive 2012
When I showed up for my 5 day intensive with the Ascended Masters and Reverend AliceAnn, I didn’t know what to expect.  Reverend AliceAnn is a clear channel whose passion for being of service to humanity is unparalleled. She is fully committed to being of service to the person experiencing the intensive and she does it with great love, enthusiasm and care. The best words to describe the intensive are “an adventure”.  With each step, I never saw what was around the corner and each step built on the other, helping me to go deeper and deeper, breaking through barriers that dared to attempt to trap me in 3D reality.  With each breakthrough, I experienced myself in new ways by learning more and more about who I truly am.  It was definitely not an easy process but it was one of the best experiences of my life. The best advice I can offer is to listen to your higher self and he/she will prepare you for each day so you can get the most out of your interactions with the Ascended Masters.  From what I understand, no two intensives are alike because our higher selves provide us with exactly what we need. In closing I would like to profoundly thank the Ascended Masters who guided me through the experience.  Masters Serapis Bey, Hilarion and Kuthumi were my guides but so many other Masters and Divine beings communicated with me for different reasons. Each experience was such a gift!  The Masters demonstrate great love for their students.  They understand our human condition having lived on earth so they are patient, funny and firm when needed.  No matter what they say it is always from a place of love.  It is an honor and a privilege to be guided and assisted by the Ascended Masters who serve as guides to ascension. What is most amazing about the intensive is that the effects of the experience do not end at the completion of the final day.  I am witnessing continual evolution within myself, connecting with more Divine beings of light, becoming more of who I truly am.  Y.r.B. / Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Spiritual Guidance 2012
Dr. Taylor is very in tune. There were many times that I stepped into her presence with an idea or an issue on my mind to find AliceAnn discussing it before I even opened my mouth. AliceAnn has a talent for finding the words to describe what would be considered ineffable to many, particularly experiences one has with spirit, or God, or however one wants to term the higher powers or other dimensions and realities that are at work inside and outside oneself. AliceAnn is open to interpretations. She has an expansive mind and listens with nonjudgement, so that one can be as open as one needs to be in order to process one's existence. She provides many tools to facilitate inner, in depth exploration that catalyze revelations about who one is from a soul perspective. To summarize, being with AliceAnn enhances audible articulations and tangible sensations of the God within and the God without. I always left her presence feeling my spiritual self amplified, my purpose clear, and reality shimmering and sparkling with a brighter light.  AR / Palo Alto, CA

Grief Counseling 2011
My experience with Dr. Taylor's grief counseling was an immense help   during a difficult period when my husband was dying in Hospice. She instilled trust by actively listening with compassion and   sensitivity, and then, when I was ready, helped me form new ideas about the death and dying process. Later, she gently suggested alternative behaviors to   help me reshape my worried and stuck attitudes regarding what was happening to my husband and me during this intense and all-consuming time. In proactive ways, she suggested appropriate   reading and study, and even accompanied me to my husband's bedside   where she gave me and imparted special understanding that lent me strength, inner healing and peace. AliceAnn is a   gifted, compassionate professional, and I highly recommend her to anyone who is experiencing the death of a loved one and the tremendous emotionalism of that most difficult of times. GJ / Los Altos, CA

Life Transitions Counseling 2010
AliceAnn. You have truly helped my sister where no one else really heard her. She is so much better now and happy. I haven’t seen her so happy in a long time. SG / San Jose CA

Guided Meditation-Ritual 2009
For decades, I had been haunted by images of my father's negative attitude toward me. From childhood, I was told that I would never amount to anything. AliceAnn not only helped me cope with those images, she showed me how to turn them around, to release the negative emotions, and to make them positive. A ritual focused on a ring I inherited from my father was especially powerful, profound, and helpful. I now wear the ring daily: It is a reminder not only of how far I have come a distance that AliceAnn helped me to realize but how I can continue to progress. The ring also has become a symbol of friendship, love, and my innate ability to protect and to assist others. Without AliceAnn's guidance, I never would have discovered that ability and I certainly would not have had the confidence to use it for the benefit of others. AliceAnn is an amazingly talented therapist: She switches seamlessly and appropriately between toughness and gentleness, guiding her clients toward a healthy, stable, enjoyable mentality. I cannot think of praise adequate to describe how AliceAnn has helped me. She helped me unlock shackles I did not know existed and then encouraged me to take the first faltering steps towards sanity. It is a journey I know will move only forward. RMR / Lebanon, Ind.

Change of Life Counseling 2009
I’ve known Dr. Taylor for over 10 years, and in that time have come to value and trust her judgment as well as her counsel. We began as friends, and continue friends to this day; however, she has also been a valued counselor over the years, bringing the many aspects of her learning and interests to bear in each situation. There is such depth and honesty in the attention she gives to the needs of those she counsels. Her life has prepared her for a multitude of counseling methods, so that she brings an eclectic combination of talents and insights to her sessions. Over the years, we have delved into Buddhism, Celtic Spirituality, Christianity, various psychological methods, and combinations of all of these. She has opened my eyes and heart to changes in myself and the world around me, and has given me tools that strengthen me. EK / Lebanon, OR

Pastoral Counseling 2008
Life is interesting, hard, and often brings us many trials and tribulations. We encounter many difficult and challenging people, and we wonder how they play their part in our lives. I myself had a mother who was very unyielding, who many times made life difficult for me and for those around her. I also had a father who contributed to this already trying scenario. When I was young and they were still together, they both fought a lot, and it made me a bit insecure. Even then, I found myself turning to friends for help, just to get through this life, and if it was not for friends and the faith that I had in God, I would have committed suicide a long time ago.  But it was my friends, which I am happy to say AliceAnn was among them, and my love for them and theirs for me that brought me through that terrible time when I was trying to "find myself". We all influence each other all the time, but it is always a shock when we realize that the difficult people also influence us so strongly, and we often times don't really even realize the negative impact that results from such contact. It is hard to see the good in life when you are faced with so much darkness and survival. As I matured, I continued to have a need to heal spiritually, and I turned once again to Dr. Taylor. She too was maturing on her own life’s journey, even though she had a different path than I was on; yet, we often talked and had several pastoral counseling sessions. It was comforting to have AliceAnn talk about the Angels and the light and to become in tune with God’s light.  To FEEL God's presence and to become ONE with God is a GIFT that AliceAnn has. Her voice and wisdom has soothing properties, and she is able to guide you into feeling the worth of God and life. I appreciate AliceAnn’s skill in helping me to realize that I do have strength within me, that God is ever with me,  and that the Angels can protect and help me, and that God's love can be right there with me when I am feeling life has been against me.  There are many "brick walls, and stopping places" in life, but AliceAnn has helped me to see that these don't have to be barriers or dark places, and that there is a way to get around them, or go over them, and not be ‘stuck’ in the road. She has helped me so many times to just simply go on, to do my best in life, to acknowledge my gifts and to see the positive side of life, for you never know just who God will bring into your life, or how God uses each of us to bring others to the peace that God wants for us all. I thank AliceAnn for her many years of guidance, spiritual counseling and comfort. Most recently, her guidance counseled me in my response to my aging mother, and encouraged our last days together to be joyful and loving. She told me that healing comes by God's presence and all things will come round right through Him in time. AliceAnn helped me through this difficult time and I thank her. JS / Foster, OR

Women's Counseling 2008
I had tried transpersonal therapy in the past but AliceAnn's collaborative spiritual coaching has brought a whole different dimension to my path. It's a process that has gone very deep and has brought up so much for me, tapping into so many buried grooves! In her unique style she can articulate the tough questions & challenges while being supportive and very sensitive to my situation. She has shared with me very practical tools that I can easily turn to and apply to find my own answers within and this is very empowering! Her deep attunement with spirit and energy is a blessing and I find her insights so enlightening. I am really impressed with her commitment and the energy AliceAnn puts into supporting me; revise and resolve my issues. Our time together is a wonderful and healing experience and I highly recommend AliceAnn to anybody who is looking to expand consciousness at these confusing times. THANK YOU ALICEANN! Love to you. CC / CHESHIRE, England (UK)

Integrative Spiritual Life Coaching 2007
AliceAnn, The whole world needs what you do! -- I have taken professional technical classes most of my career.  School, college and other classes all prepared me to do stuff, not to live.  Never was there ever a hint of how to live my life, who I am or what I should be doing as a being.  The journey of self exploration has no signposts, maps or directions.  You are on your own, without an instruction book to guide you. Having an insightful (Spiritual) life coach like Dr Taylor has provided breakthroughs in my personal journey.  Dr Taylor skill as a whole life counselor has helped me to develop, use my own insight and internal compass to guide and assist me on my life's journey.  Without her help and support, I would most likely still be standing at one of many cross roads, staring at my feet. -- A coach/counselor like AliceAnn is not the one running the race but, is the one who opens up the door to the possibilities that make it possible for the runner to start and finish his or her race. We, each of us, need a coach like her in our own life race.  – And certainly, Dr AliceAnn is the best I have found.  Once I made the choice to get off the fence and get on the track, I was well on my way; once on the track, Dr Taylor helped me start putting one foot in front of the other until I was running; running in a way that made it seem like I didn't even have legs before. MB / Oakcrest, CA

Integrative Life Coaching 2006
Just a few months ago, "coaching" to me denoted an athletics teacher/manager or, at least someone who has to do with competition.  Then I found out about Dr. AliceAnn Taylor and others like her, who offer telephone counseling as an aid to mind/body/spiritual guidance, growth and renewal.   In my case, I felt that things were just a little askew, off track in my daily life, and I sought from my coach/counselor, Dr. Taylor, some guidance in "righting the ship".  With, often, extremely simple, small suggested changes in viewpoint, she was able to free me from "traps" that I had fallen into, sometimes, unknowingly.  She made suggestions, and then I looked at them and, in many instances, carried them out, to the point that, after a couple of months, I felt the derailment stop.  I found that things began to flow smoothly again and became certain that I was now moving in the "right" direction -- upward and onward.   Coaching, for me, worked extremely well, mainly because it is a full partnership, based on equality of purpose and effort between counselor and client.  It is NOT a teacher/pupil relationship, nor a doctor/patient set-up.  It is a positive look at self, and a very hopeful attitude about one's future.   I am deeply grateful that Dr. Taylor has used her intuitive powers and deep commitment to the betterment of the human condition to offer this wonderful way of reconnecting with the balance of all things. SW / Los Angeles, CA

Past-Life Regression & Integrative Coaching 2006
AliceAnn, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks and admiration to you.   The work you have done with me has helped me achieve a deep understanding of the purpose of my life, and already helped me to achieve a level of integration that is helpful and positive in my life.  I look forward to our continued work together.  JPR / Mountain View, CA

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Rev. AliceAnn
Rev. Hilary
OakRose Australia


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