Academy Services & Ceremonies

We all live in hope that the world will become a better, safer place to live; we hope too that our life has been one of fulfillment and love. Yet, there are many obstacles that often cloud our true understanding and advancement on the path. There are, of course many spiritual opportunities that can provide guidance and support to attaining the Spiritual goals and advancement we most desire. When we realize that Love and Wisdom within our own Divinity is our guiding force, we become Instruments of Love and Perfect Peace.

OakRose Australia offers a range of personal services and Ceremonies of Light/Life that assist individuals in the attainment of their spiritual direction and goals. Such guidance and spiritual direction often results in a greater connection with one's own Divinity as well as a deeper and more realized connection with the Supreme Principle of the Universe. Whether you refer to this Principle as God, Creator One, Mother-Father-One, Prime Source, Buddha Nature, or the Supreme Principle, or by any other Divine name from any spiritual or cultural tradition, it is this most sacred connection that brings self-realization and advancement on one's personal path.

Mystery School for the New Age

OakRose USA is considered a Mystery School for the New Age, and as such OakRose Australia also considers itself as an “Academy of Light”. The OakRose Academy provides channeled messages for the public at large, advanced classes in self-mastery, training weekend institutes that further individual and community service work and spiritual healing, and a website that brings together all aspects of the Ascended Masters' Teachings as well as our own individual work as Transpersonal/Transformative Facilitators.

You are invited to join any of our teaching and training venues and public events.

AliceAnn Melchizedek – High Priestess, Transpersonal Facilitator, & Clear-Voice Channel

AliceAnn has been gifted with the ability to clearly and accurately bring forth the words of the Ascended Ray-Masters, who are an integral part of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth. She is a chela/disciple to five of these Ascended Ray-Masters and has been a clear-voice channel for them for over ten years.  She is a Transpersonal Psychologist, ordained minister, and High Priestess to the Order of Melchizedek.

I do a series of channelings, including personal Readings, spiritual healings, and group sessions with the overlighting Master, classes conducted by the channeled Master, monthly Evenings with the Masters, and in-home clearings. As a Transpersonal facilitator I work with groups to assist them to a Higher Light Focus. As a Melchizedek High Priestess I bring that Higher aspect of Love-Wisdom into all that I do, including DNA Activation, Entity Clearing, Fear Releasement, Melchizedek Training, and Melchizedek Ordinations. What gives me the most joy is to see a person become fully empowered to find their own unique Path Home and to do the service work they are most called to do. My goal is to help people become aligned with their own Illumined Truth.”

Hilary Melchizedek – High Priest, Transformational Facilitator, Visionary & Messenger of Light

Hilary has been a chela of the Ascended Masters for five years; he assists AliceAnn in Ascend in Love workshops and brings clarity from the Realms of Light to serve humanity’s upliftment. Hilary is an experienced Transformational Facilitator and has led many top level programs for Transformation in Australia and around the world. As a visionary he is guided to create programs and outcomes that are in alignment with spirit. His calling as a Melchizedek High Priest encourages him to bring the quality of “Love-Wisdom” to those he assists. In addition Hilary brings forth a healing energy unique to working with the Higher Realms of Heaven.

As a Transformational Facilitator I bring a sense of harmony, clarity and mindfulness to groups and individuals. As a High Priest to the Order of Melchizedek I help people to understand and embrace the Divine Qualities of Love, Empowerment and Wisdom. As an Etheric Healer I bring the awareness of the Healing Hands of Heaven to those I assist to heal. When I teach Evolutionary Consciousness & Leadership I help people to embrace a Higher Light Focus, so that their thoughts, words, and deeds, are consistent with the New Earth Consciousness. My goal is to assist the upliftment of people and groups everywhere and thus co-create a better world for all humanity.

AliceAnn & Hilary as Teachers-Facilitators:

When AliceAnn and Hilary come together as a team, they each bring powerful tools for transformation and transpersonal awareness. Each of them has acquired a lifetime of skill sets and experience in their separate fields. Together they bring love, Light, Laughter, and Joy to those who engage with them. Whether they team teach in the Academy courses or bring forth the wisdom of the Ascended Masters in the Ascend in Love Tours, or whether they come together as a facilitation team, they are powerful, respectful, clear and engaging.

We each recognize the importance of Transformation, whether it is at an inter-personal level or a group consciousness level. We realize that Humanity has been stuck in a 3D Earth reality for a very long time and that it is time to help humanity shift into a consciousness more commiserate with the Energies of the New Earth reality. It is our goal to stand firmly in the Light of Heaven and bring that infinite possibility of Love-Wisdom into the minds and hearts of all peoples. This is why we work with the Ascended Teachers, why we conduct group facilitations, and why we each bring a wealth of experience to our changing world.

Our principle goal in Australia is to form relationships with other like-minded communities of Light and to bring the Ascended Master teachings to others through weekend workshops and training sessions.  Additionally, we assist individuals, groups, corporations and agencies to shift to a “Higher Light ‘focus” without imposing our belief standards on others. For it is through the Principle of Free-Will that humanity will manifest a better world for all.

Academy Services

Private one-on-one Readings with the Ascended Masters.

I give private Readings to those who wish to speak directly with an Ascended Master-Teacher. Readings are typically an hour in duration and may cover a wide range of personal and spiritual topics. However, unlike a true medium, the Masters do not forecast anyone's future, as they hold that every choice we make in life alters the outcome of our future experiences. These readings foster one's spiritual growth and understanding and augment one's own particular life journey.

  • To sign up for a reading, please contact me at: or by phone: 0418.199119
  • Readings are $100.00 per hour and can be conducted in person or by phone; payment is through PayPal.


Individual Spiritual Healing Sessions

The Ascended Masters offer aetheric healing to those who seek a Higher spiritual form of well-being. There are many conditions requiring healing that require more than traditional medical treatment. These Etheric Healing Modalities often foster amazing change within the four-body system. The Masters always advise that you receive medical treatments that are crucial to your health and wellness; they never disdain the medical efficacy of traditional medical prognosis and treatment. However, there are many aetheric modes of healing through sound and Light that do affect the physical that are as of yet unexplained through medical science. And if this is efficacious to you, we do offer this service.

  • We are not a medical facility nor do we promote ourselves as an alternative healing center; simply experiencing the radiance of the Master-Teachers in a healing modality may be a potential for increased personal wellbeing.
  • To inquire about a Healing Session, please email us at: or phone us at: 0418.199119.
  • Cost is $150.00 per session and is not based on an hourly rate.
  • Payment is made in person via check or cash.

Ascended Master Tea

The Academy offers a group Reading with the Ascended Masters. This small group session is designed for two to five persons who have a common interest or focus to bring to the Master-Teacher. The sessions are typically one and a half hours and the fee is split among the participants. Each person is encouraged to bring their own list of questions in addition to the group's collective questions.

  • The cost is $200.00 for a 1.5 Hr. session. Payable in person for in-home sessions and in advance via PayPal for conference call sessions.
  • To arrange a Tea with the Ascended Masters please phone us at 0418.199119 during regular business hours.


Ascended Master Clearings

The Ascended Master Serapis Bey is a Seraphim Angel as well as an Ascended Ray Master. From time to time he has done onsite clearings for schools, homes and other sacred places.
  • If you are interested in my coming to a specific location where you understand a spiritual cleansing and Archangel Activation needs to be done, please contact the Academy at at 0418.199119.
  • Donations from $50 to $100 are lovingly requested.


DNA Activation Sessions

As a High Priestess in the Order of Melchizedek I am authorized to give DNA Activations to those who are ready for that initiation. This may or may not include chakra and kundalini work prior to the activation. The Ascended Master Serapis Bey will also overlight the activation, as he is the overlighting Master for the OakRose Academy's Services. Each individual will have the opportunity to have dialog with Master Serapis to understand the activation and its outcomes. This is a very advanced initiation and is not encouraged for beginning Lightworkers.

  • To set up these three activation sessions, please contact me at: or by phone: 0418.199119
  • Cost for a three session activation is $300.00 payable through PayPal or by bank card prior to the first session.


Entity Clearing & Fear Releasement Program:

As more and more people are becoming aware of the potential of a Higher Consciousness, there may be many obstacles to that goal. Some of these may be outside of one’s control and releasement, therefore I offer a two session plan that will help release unwanted entities, implants and overshadowings of fear. In a subsequent session I offer a comprehensive “Fear Releasement Program” that helps you let go of long-standing and even hidden fears that may be functioning as an obstacle to your spiritual freedom.

  • If you are interested in this two-step program, please contact me at: or by phone: 0418.199119
  • Cost for this two session plan is $250.00 for the whole package.


Ascend in Love Workshops & Regional Introductory Workshops

The Academy offers a series of weekend trainings called "Ascend in Love Workshops" that bring together an interested group of participants for a specific purpose. These workshops are booked in advanced by a local sponsor at various locations around the world where I bring my channeling services to the local community. We have done Ascend in Love Tours in Australia, France, Britain, Canada, The Bahamas, and the USA.

  • The associated cost for an Ascend in Love Workshop is typically $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 pending the number of days requested and the level of teaching being offered to participants.
  • Regional one-day or two-day workshops are typically $250.00, which includes a pre-weekend evening with the Masters.
  • If your community or organization is interested in sponsoring an Ascend in Love Workshop, please contact us at: or by phone: 0418.230704


Spiritual and Healing Institutes

Hilarion Institute: The OakRose Academy typically offers two annual Healing Institutes overlighted by the Ascended Masters Hilarion and Serapis Bey. These four-day residential trainings are at a 5D level and are composed of a series of advanced spiritual healing techniques and practices. Each graduate receives a certificate of achievement based on their level of comprehension and practical demonstration of the Masters' teaching. These are considered progressive, so the Academy offers an Introductory as well as a continuing Advanced level of training.

Kuthumi Institute: In addition the Academy offers a Sacred Names of God Institute under the guidance of Lord Kuthumi. This three day residential weekend institute covers an in-depth devotional practice and meditative focus on the Names of God and the Sacred Codes associated with those practices. This is a non- denominational, non-sectarian devotional weekend; all are welcome to celebrate the New Era of Peace and Divinity.

  • Cost for a four-day Hilarion Institute is $600.00 for the training and $200.00 for residential guest services.
  • Cost for a three-day Kuthumi Institute is $500.00 for the training and $150.00 for residential guest services.


Five-Day Intensives with the Ascended Masters

The OakRose Intensives are one-on-one spiritual sessions working exclusively with the Ascended Master Serapis Bey and Ascended Master Hilarion. These Intensives are considered to be five day personal retreats. These Intensives are private, in-depth and often life changing, as they assist a person to his/her own spiritual path and interpersonal insights. The Master prefers that each person record the experience for future edification, as the work is based on a day to day graduation of material covered. The Intensive closes with a personal spiritual ceremony offered to the Creator and an opportunity to meet one's Spiritual Council of Light.

  • To book a reservation for a Private Five-Day Intensive, please email: well in advance of your desired dates.
  • The cost for a 5-Day Intensive is $1,200.00 prepaid, then, a room and board fee of $25000 upon arrival.


Transpersonal and Pastoral Care

As an ordained priest within a small esoteric Order, a certified Intuitive Past-Life Therapist, and a Transpersonal Psychologist, I do give one hour sessions, including spiritual counseling, past-life regression, emotional bereavement support, suicide prevention, couples & family therapy, and marriage counseling.

  • My standard rate is $150 for an hour consultation by appointment. Please call the Academy at 0418.199119 and leave your contact details and reason for a therapeutic-pastoral session.

Transformational Facilitation

The OakRose Academy offers a series of transformational group sessions. Our Lead facilitators Hilary and AliceAnn Taylor are available for advanced level trainings globally and regionally. The goal of these transformational weekend or week-long sessions is to assist individuals, groups, and corporations to a Higher Spiritual Awareness and a more beneficial way of living in these transformational times. Topics vary according to group need, and range from Mastering Authenticity to Nova Earth Living Skills to Ascension Techniques for the New Age to Qualities of Love & Truth to Advanced Evolutionary Consciousness & Leadership.

Additionally, each facilitator is available independently as each has unique qualifications and expertise in their respective fields of Transformation.

Cost for a Transformative Facilitation workshop depends on:

  • Level of content
  • requested topic
  • venue location
  • workshop length
  • material development
  • coaching and/or mentoring requirement

To discuss a Transformative Facilitation Workshop, please contact either AliceAnn Taylor at 0418.199119 or Hilary Taylor at 0418.230704
Or Email us at:

OakRose Ceremonies

OakRose Australia offers four sacred ceremonies of Light & Life annually, The Spring or Vernal Equinox, The Summer Solstice, the Fall or Autumnal Equinox, and the Winter Solstice. The overlighting Master-Teachers of Shamballa are a significant part of these ceremonies, as the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa have traditionally practiced these sacred seasonal Ceremonies of Light and Life throughout the centuries.

To? join our OakRose-Australia mailing list to attend our ceremonies of Light,
please send your email? contact information to: or

The Vernal Equinox

Each Spring the renewal of Life is celebrated through expressions of Love and Gratitude for the burgeoning of the Earth and all four Kingdoms. Each September 21st (or thereabouts) the Academy hosts a one hour service to celebrate this opening of Spring and the Promise of the Mother God's Love for all Life upon the Earth. The public is warmly invited; service booklets are provided for those who attend our residential service/ceremony in Melbourne.

Additionally, there are six associated meditations surrounding the day of the Vernal Equinox, where the 12 Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth (Shamballa) offer specific guided meditations on the theme of that year's Equinox for the edification and advancement of all participating members.

There is no cost for either Academy Ceremonies or attendant online meditations. An email is sent prior to this four day event, so that participants can receive the times and the call-in details.

The Summer Solstice

Around the world the Summer Solstice has been recognized as a sacred turning point in the progression of the planetary cycles. OakRose Australia, guided by the Ascended Masters of Shamballa, celebrates this sacred Ceremony of Light on December 21st (or thereabouts). The Light that comes forth as a result of the human collective in-gathering Light through sacred song and devotion is magnificent to witness. These Solstices are a tangible evidence of the Power of Love and Light that can augment the ascension for all Earth. The Realms of Light as well as the Ascended Hosts conjoin with their earthly kin to bring forth the Father's Will during these astronomical and astrological passages. The public is warmly invited; service booklets are provided for those who attend our residential service/ceremony in Melbourne.

Additionally, there are six associated meditations surrounding the day of the Summer Solstice, where the 12 Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth (Shamballa) offer specific guided meditations on the theme of that year's Solstice for the edification and advancement of all participating members.

There is no cost for either Academy Ceremonies or attendant online meditations. An email is sent prior to this four day event, so that participants can receive the times and the call-in details.

The Autumnal Equinox

OakRose Australia celebrates a Ceremony of Life in the autumn around March 21st (or there abouts). As the year turns and settles into its next planetary cycle, the advancement of Light and Love must continue to be nourished and added to. Participants at the Autumnal Equinox have the opportunity to experience the shift of planetary radiance as the Realms of Light and the attending Masters join with the Academy of Light to bring forth the tremendous Love Frequencies of the Father ?Mother Creator Most High. The public is warmly invited; service booklets are provided for those who attend our residential service/ceremony in Melbourne.

Additionally, there are six associated meditations surrounding the day of the Autumnal Equinox, where the 12 Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth (Shamballa) offer specific guided meditations on the theme of that year's Fall Equinox for the edification and advancement of all participating members.

There is no cost for either Academy Ceremonies or attendant online meditations. An email is sent prior to this four day event, so that participants can receive the times and the call-in details.

The Winter Solstice

OakRose Australia joins with all Lightworkers around the world in the traditional Winter ceremony of Light for Solstice on June 21st (or thereabouts). The Radiant Energies of Heaven which have been aroused by the previous three ceremonies of Life and Light are now culminated in the June in-gathering of Light. The crystalline Energies of Earth's transition to its next octave are recognized and the Service is empowered by the Realms of Light and the Lords and Ladies of Shamballa. The public is warmly invited; service booklets are provided for those who attend our residential service/ceremony in Melbourne.

Additionally, there are six associated meditations surrounding the day of the Winter Solstice, where the 12 Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth (Shamballa) offer specific guided meditations on the theme of that year's Solstice for the edification and advancement of all participating members.

There is no cost for either Academy Ceremonies or attendant online meditations. An email is sent prior to this four day event, so that participants can receive the times and the call-in details.

To sign up for the OakRose email list, please send your contact information to: or

Please indicate which service or ceremony participation you are interested in, or indicate ?General? in the subject line.


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Rev. AliceAnn
Rev. Hilary
OakRose Australia


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Contact Us

OakRose Australia
In Australia: 0418.199119
Outside Australia: +61 418.199119